Deliverable D2.3 – Survey-based Report Determining Annotation and Harmonization Needs
EOSC4Cancer’s Deliverable 2.3 highlights the importance of common data standards, interoperability, and addresses challenges in data sharing and standardization in cancer research. This deliverable, curated by lead authors Palacký University in Olomouc and supported by Barcelona Supercomputing Center, aims to provide an in-depth exploration of the need for data harmonization in cancer research. The survey […]
Deliverable D1.1 – Data Resources Map
EOSC4Cancer’s Deliverable 1.1 builds upon the outcomes of the project’s Deliverable 1.3, consolidating a sustainable Data Resources Map. This deliverable, like its predecessor, is authored by Work Package 1 partner UMCG ambulancezorg. The complex nature of cancer requires integration of advanced research data across national boundaries to enable progress in prevention and care. The vision […]
Deliverable D5.1 – A Guidance Document for the EOSC4Cancer Learning Pathway
EOSC4Cancer’s Deliverable 5.1 outlines the learning path proccess after contextualizing underlying concepts such as learning and FAIR training. The document’s principal authors are Fotis Psomopoulos of Centre for Research & Technology Hellas (CERTH) and Fatima Al-Shahrour of CNIO – Spanish National Cancer Research Centre working within Work Package 5. The goal of WP5 is to identify and prioritize gaps in training related to […]