This use case studies novel treatment and diagnostic options for localised colorectal cancer patients in the context of diverse data types.

(Neo)adjuvant anti-cancer therapies use highly heterogenous data sets collected repeatedly throughout the disease: clinico-pathological variables, medical images, genomics and other omics, alternative experimental models, drugs, and clinical outcomes. To use these data for cancer treatment decisions, longitudinally collected types of data must become accessible, data must be channelled through appropriate analyst interfaces and thereby harmonised. Experimental precision oncologic projects will use these data to deliver a standardised and generalisable template for the localised cancer care. This includes the following data types:

  • radiology pathology images (e.g. CT, MRI and digital slides) and derived data
  • molecular profiling data (e.g. (single cell) RNAseq, DNA sequencing data (e.g. NGS, ctDNA,WGS and WES) on human and model system tumour samples
  • functional read out data (e.g. drug response) from e.g. PdX and organoid models

This use case will deliver standardised and generalisable (i.e. beyond CRC) templates for the complex and longitudinal data handling in studies investigating localised cancer applicable in the framework of experimental precision oncology projects.