Newsletter #2

European Open Science Cloud for Cancer- a European Wide Foundation to Accelerate Data-Driven Cancer Research

Meet us at #EOSCSymposium23 in Madrid

EOSC4Cancer will contribute to the EOSC Symposium 2023 in Madrid,  20-22 September. Through a packed programme and exhibition under the heading “Taking EOSC into the future”, the event will enable a broad exchange of EOSC stakeholders on project achievements and exploitable results. EOSC4Cancer will contribute with a session in the main programme and an exhibition booth:
1. Session “EOSC contribution to the EU Missions & Partnerships”               

Together with  Blue-Cloud, ByCovid  and others, EOSC4Cancer will host a session to explore EOSC’s contribution to the five EU missions. Coordinator Salvador Capella Gutierrez will explore EOSC4Cancer’s contribution to the EU Mission on Cancer.

2. EOSC4Cancer Exhibition Booth

EOSC4Cancer will present its goals  and interim results in booth 7 on the exhibition floor. Among others, the exhibition will focus on the potential of EOSC in leveraging cancer data, our contribution to the EU Mission on Cancer and the upcoming European Health Data Space.

Register for WP5 Cancer Data Support Professionals kick-off meeting

Do you work on cancer data projects? WP5 invites you to join the cancer data support professionals kick-off meeting September 6, 13 CEST, online. Led by Dutch Techcentre for Life Sciences and Health-RI, the network aims to unlock the expertise in handling cancer related data.

WP2 achieves interoperability milestone

At the end of May, EOSC4Cancer achieved an important milestone: Interoperability between Federated European Genome-phenome Archive (EGA) and Cancer Core Europe validated by user group.

Leading this achievement was WP 2, led by European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL). During the completion of this project, the main partner and consulting agency was the German Human Genome-Phenome Archive (GHGA), whose expertise helped to perform a better assessment of the critical points of this milestone.
The accomplishment of this milestone highlights harmonization needs for cancer datasets. This data harmonization was the main topic of the EOSC4Cancer Deliverable 2.3 Survey-based report determining annotation and harmonization needs. The survey-report highlighted the importance of common data standards, interoperbility, and addressed the challenges that come up with cancer data.

First General Assembly Meeting in September

After one year of project operation, EOSC4Cancer will hold its first General Assembly Meeting 28-29 September in Barcelona.

The consortium will:

  • give detailed updates on the project status in the different workpackages
  • explore EOSC4Cancer contributions to the EU Mission on Cancer
  • plan steps for the next project year
  • discuss a consultation strategy for a cancer data roadmap

EOSC4Cancer interview for EOSC Macro-Roadmap

In an interview conducted on 21st April, Salvador Capella and Alfonso Valencia from Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC), along with Veli Stroetmann and Carola Schulz (empirica), shared their insights on their project’s results and their contribution to EOSC from an executive, communication, and technical level. The interview aimed to learn how each project adds value to the overall goal of achieving “one EOSC.”

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