
Deliverable D1.3 – Initial Data Resources Map

EOSC4Cancer’s Deliverable 1.3 is one of the first among a series of public deliverables that will be published to highlight the project’s efforts and results. The document is authored by Morris Swertz, Gerieke Been, Joeri van der Velde, and Ype Zijlstra, our project partners at UMCG, who along with other members of Work Package 1 […]

Deliverable D1.4 – Synthetic Cohort Status

EOSC4Cancer’s Deliverable 1.4 provides a description of the strategies employed to generate cancer-specific synthetic data cohorts. The document is authored by Salvador Capella Gutierrez, Sergi Aguiló Castillo, Miguel Vazquez, Alberto Labarga, and Romina Royo Garrido, our project partners at Barcelona Supercomputing Center, who work towards enhancing access to cancer-related data by upholding the FAIR data […]

Deliverable D1.1 – Data Resources Map

EOSC4Cancer’s Deliverable 1.1 builds upon the outcomes of the project’s Deliverable 1.3, consolidating a sustainable Data Resources Map. This deliverable, like its predecessor, is authored by Work Package 1 partner UMCG ambulancezorg. The complex nature of cancer requires integration of advanced research data across national boundaries to enable progress in prevention and care. The vision […]