Newsletter #5

European Open Science Cloud for Cancer- a European Wide Foundation to Accelerate Data-Driven Cancer Research

EOSC4Cancer Deliverables and Newsletters - Resources on our Website

We are happy to announce that all our project deliverables and newsletters are now available on the resources section of the EOSC4Cancer Website!

There you can easily access a short description of the aims and contents of each public deliverable, and a full PDF version available on Zenodo is directly linked. We have also provided short introductions to our sensitive and confidential deliverables, to give a full overview of our project efforts and progress. Our newsletters are also available for you to read directly on the website.

A big thank you goes to all our project partners who have worked to make these resources available for everyone!

Deliverable 1.4 Published

EOSC4Cancer’s Deliverable 1.4 provides a description of the strategies employed to generate cancer-specific synthetic data cohorts.

The document is authored by Salvador Capella Gutierrez, Sergi Aguiló Castillo, Miguel Vazquez, Alberto Labarga, and Romina Royo Garrido, our project partners at Barcelona Supercomputing Center, who work towards enhancing access to cancer-related data by upholding the FAIR data principles and contributing data to the EOSC4Cancer metadata catalogue.

EOSC4Cancer Cancer Landscape Partners (CLP) Meeting - February 23rd, 2024

Another successful EOSC4Cancer Cancer Landscape Partners (CLP) Meeting was wrapped up on February 23rd, with a large cohort of Work Package 6 members and partners in attendance. On the day’s agenda were two talks by partner projects SciLake and RAISE, followed by a collective discussion and question session.

Image courtesy of the EOSC Consortium

2024 EOSC Symposium - Registrations are Open!

The EOSC Symposium 2024 will take place on 21-23 October 2024 at the H4 Hotel Alexanderplatz in Berlin. It is divided into 26 sessions that address the ambitions of the EOSC Federation, the launch of the EOSC EU Node, the EOSC landscape, and the impact and contributions of stakeholders.

Social Media Series - Public Project Deliverables

EOSC4Cancer aims to make diverse types of cancer data accessible: genomics, imaging, medical, clinical, environmental and socio-economic. It will use and enhance federated and interoperable systems for securely identifying, sharing, processing and reusing FAIR data across borders and offer them via community-driven analysis environments.

The approach of our Work Packages, current achievements, and future steps on all facets of the project are explored in our deliverables, created by our consortium partners. We have introduced the currently available public deliverables on our socials.

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