Deliverable D3.1 – Molecular Tumour Board Portal Interoperability

EOSC4Cancer’s Deliverable 3.1 details the advancements made in Task 3.1, focusing on theenhancement of interoperability between clinical trial databases and Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS) for oncology. The document’s principal authors are Macha Nikolski of Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) and David Tamborero of Karolinska Instituet (KI) working within Work Package 3. Task 3.1 develops a data model that captures […]

Deliverable D2.4 – Reference Beacon Implementation for EOSC4Cancer

EOSC4Cancer’s Deliverable 2.4 explores the key functionalities of Beacon, a genomic discovery tool that allows the aggregation of worldwide genomics datasets through a shared query protocol, applied to the cancer field with examples adapted to colon cancer use cases. The document’s principal authors are Jordi Rambla and Teresa García Lezana of the Centre for Genomic Regulation […]

CONFIDENTIAL Deliverable D4.1 – Use Case Demonstrator Package

EOSC4Cancer’s Deliverable 4.1 provides an overview of the data available from EOSC4Cancer use cases 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 and 4.4 for the technical Work Packages. The document’s principal authors are Mariska Bierkens of Nederlands Kanker Institut (NKI) and Sophie Huiskens-Berends of Lygature, working within Work Package 4.

SENSITIVE Deliverable D7.1 – Project Handbook

EOSC4Cancer’s Deliverable 7.1 provides an overview of the management and administrative procedures of the EOSC4Cancer Project in order to facilitate efficient project execution as well as high-quality project results. The document’s principal authors are Romina Royo and Raquel Villodres of Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) working within the Project Management Team.

SENSITIVE Deliverable D3.4 – Curated Repository for Biomarker-driven Clinical Trials

EOSC4Cancer’s Deliverable 3.4 explores the Molecular Clinical Trials Match (MCTM), geared towards automating the matching between the results of molecular diagnostic assays in tumors and up-to-date information on clinical trials eligibility criteria creating a system supporting efficient curation and access to the information needed to do so. The document’s principal author is David Tamborero of Karolinska Instituet […]

Deliverable D7.2 – Data Management Plan

EOSC4Cancer’s Deliverable 7.2 provides information as to what the relevant project components and repositories are (from each WP) and how they are managed This deliverable’s main authors are Dr. Ilaria Anna C. and Kurt Majcen, members of Work Package 7 partner BBMRI-ERIC. WP7 is consistently working towards establishment of the governance structure and data management […]

Deliverable D1.3 – Initial Data Resources Map

EOSC4Cancer’s Deliverable 1.3 is one of the first among a series of public deliverables that will be published to highlight the project’s efforts and results. The document is authored by Morris Swertz, Gerieke Been, Joeri van der Velde, and Ype Zijlstra, our project partners at UMCG, who along with other members of Work Package 1 […]

Deliverable D6.1 – Publication of Live Outreach and Communications Strategy

EOSC4Cancer’s Deliverable 6.1 outlines the communication and outreach strategy – the current efforts being made and future plans. This deliverable is authored by Work Package 6 partners empirica Gesellschaft für Kommunikations-und Technologiefoschung mbH and Elixir. It lays out an action plan for the consortium partners, aimed at making the project goals and progress well understood […]

Deliverable D2.1 – SOPs for Minimal Clinical, Image, and Omics Data Exchange

EOSC4Cancer’s Deliverable 2.1 gives an overview of the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for the key datasets in EOSC4Cancer, and describes what steps would be appropriate to improve these SOPs. This deliverable is authored by Work Package 2 partners EMBL, Lygature, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, and Erasmus MC. They are collaborating towards developing data harmonization efforts to […]

Deliverable D1.4 – Synthetic Cohort Status

EOSC4Cancer’s Deliverable 1.4 provides a description of the strategies employed to generate cancer-specific synthetic data cohorts. The document is authored by Salvador Capella Gutierrez, Sergi Aguiló Castillo, Miguel Vazquez, Alberto Labarga, and Romina Royo Garrido, our project partners at Barcelona Supercomputing Center, who work towards enhancing access to cancer-related data by upholding the FAIR data […]