EOSC4Cancer Deliverables Available on Zenodo

After more than one year of activity, the first deliverables of the EOSC4Cancer project are available for public access on our Zenodo community. These reports highlight our activities, milestones, and plans for the project’s foreseeable future in data management, outreach plans, and more.

EOSC4Cancer is a project of the EOSC family that brings together a consortium of 29 organisations from 13 countries, including cancer research centres, research infrastructures, leading research groups, hospitals, and supercomputing centres. To make the developments sustainable, EOSC4Cancer will leverage the partners’ research infrastructures partners and the EOSC ecosystem. It will also serve the European Cancer Mission, by engaging with large international coalitions (e.g., ICGC-Argo, GA4GH, 1+MG/B1MG, Cancer Core Europe, European Cancer Information System, European Network of Cancer Registries, Innovative Partnership for Action Against Cancer Joint Action) and patients/survivors associations.

To read more on our achievements and goals, access our project deliverables on Zenodo.