Emmanuel Barillot

Research Unit Director Cancer and genome: bioinformatics, biostatistics and epidemiology of complex systems, Institut Curie, France

Emmanuel Barillot’s research focuses on Computational Systems Biology of Cancer and aims at understanding tumorigenesis and tumor progression using and developing when needed computational approaches for analysing high-throughput data of tumors like multiomics data. The main subjects are high-dimensional multi-modal data analysis with machine learning, modeling of signaling network and of spatial organization.

Barillot heads the Department of Computational Oncology at Institut Curie (U900 INSERM, in partnership with Mines ParisTech). EB is also co-Director of the institut Curie Bioinformatics Core Facility, which is expert in biological data integration, omics data analysis, and support for precision medicine. He also holds a Chair in Cancer Genomics at the Paris Artificial Intelligence Research Institute (PRAIRIE). Barillot has published 250 articles in bioinformatics, genomics, systems biology, cancer biology, translational and clinical research, biophysics and computer science.


Website: u900.curie.fr

LinkedIn: Emmanuel Barillot