This use case explores how to optimise the use of tumour molecular data in the context of precision cancer medicine by using a clinical decision support system  (CDSS) developed to inform about biomarker-driven precision medicine interventions. This includes matching molecular profiles with standard of care and investigational drug biomarkers; efficient allocation of patients to clinical trials and management of incidental findings.

The use case will address the data infrastructures and format specifications required for the CDSS to fulfill this task, based on different data types:

  • Sequencing files (e.g. somatic/germline calls from bioinformatic panels)
  • Electronic Case Report Form (eCRF) / Electronic Health Records (EHR) files
  • Compatibility with other resources ( interconnection between clinical trial databases and CDSS)

These efforts will build on the Molecular Tumor Board Portal (MTBP). MTBP uses bioinformatic tools to interpret gene alterations, standard of care, drug biomarkers under study and treatment opportunities.

The objective of this task is to provide recommendations about this process by using a cohort
of metastatic colorectal cancer patients from three centers as a representative use-case of real-world data: Vall D’Hebron Institute of Oncology (VHIO), Karolinska Institutet (KI), and Netherlands Cancer Institute (NKI).