This use case aims to establish cause-effect relationship between environmental factors and onset and progression of cancer, overlapping the geographical and temporal distribution of the disease in the population (incidence, mortality, etc.) and environmental data.

To prevent cancer, it is key to identify its risk factors: (1) genetic predisposition, (2) environmental factors, and (3) socioeconomic characteristics. Cancer registries provide information systems designed for the collection, storage, and management of data on individuals with cancer. Hence, registries play an important role in research, surveillance, prevention, and intervention.

The onset and progress of the cancer may be appreciated in the context of spatial patterns. To establish a cause-effect relationship between disease distribution and environmental factors, this use case will overlap three types of data:

  • geo-referenced health data;
  • geo-referenced environmental data;
  • Deprivation Index data.

EOSC4Cancer’s databases and repositories drive the data flow trajectories and user demands.  These transform the guideline practices (evidence-based medicine) leading to better health outcomes.