Newsletter #6

European Open Science Cloud for Cancer- a European Wide Foundation to Accelerate Data-Driven Cancer Research

2024 EOSC Symposium Banner
Image courtesy of the EOSC Association

The EOSC Symposium 2024 is around the corner!

We are happy to announce that EOSC4Cancer will be represented at the EOSCSymposium24 in Berlin!

In a rich program of over 25 sessions, this symposium aims to address, among other things, the ambitions of the EOSC Tripartite Partnership, the EOSC Federation, the launch of the EOSC EU Node, the EOSC landscape, including the European Common Data Spaces and the Artificial Intelligence trends, and the impact and contributions of stakeholders.

Find more details and the whole agenda on the website.

The final EOSC4Cancer General Assembly Meeting is being held this week, October 2nd – 3rd, in Barcelona. Hosted by coordinator Barcelona Supercomputing Center, the consortium will give detailed updates on the project status in the different workpackages, explore EOSC4Cancer contributions to the EU Mission on Cancer, and plan steps for the remaining project time.

EOSC4Cancer Stakeholder Forum

The EOSC4Cancer Stakeholder Forum was set up to enable the project consortium to engage with a wider group of people and organisations working in or on related topics and projects. It acts both as a network for dissemination of project outcomes and as a way to bring additional thoughts, opinions and ideas into the work of EOSC4Cancer. 

We would like to invite additional members to join the forum!

New Partners Join the EOSC Consortium

Two new partners have officially joined the EOSC4Cancer consortium. Cancer Patients Europe (CPE)  and Institut d’Investigacions Biomèdiques August Pi i Sunyer (IDIBAPS) will immediately commence their project-related activities.

New Project Partners Announcement(1)
Deliverable Presentation Newsletter(1)

New Deliverables Published

EOSC4Cancer’s Deliverables 3.1 and 2.4  are now public.

Deliverable 2.4 explores the key functionalities of Beacon, a genomic discovery tool that allows the aggregation of worldwide genomics datasets. The document’s principal authors are Jordi Rambla and Teresa García Lezan  of the Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG) working within Work Package 2.

Deliverable 3.1 details the advancements made in Task 3.1, focusing on the enhancement of interoperability between clinical trial databases and Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS) for oncology. The document’s principal authors are Macha  Nikolski of CNRS and David Tamborero of Karolinska Instituet  working within Work Package 3.

EOSC4Cancer Cancer Landscape Partners (CLP) Meeting - June 28th, 2024

On Friday, 28th of June, another successful Cancer Landscape Partners (CLP) Meeting was held, with a large cohort of the project’s WP6 team in presence.

The first talk of the day was held by Juan Ventura of Cancer Patients Europe, an advocate for cancer patients and survivors. He discussed the importance of patient engagement in research. Eliis Keidong of EATRIS-ERIC followed with a presentation on Patient Engagement Resource Centre (PERC) – a user-friendly platform to support researchers with their patient engagement needs throughout the research process.

CLP Meeting 280624 (1)
Cover Options EOSC Partner Projects

Social Media Series - EOSC Partner Projects

The EOSC Association works to advance Open Science in the service of creating new knowledge, inspiring education, spurring innovation and promoting accessibility and transparency. The vision for EOSC is to put in place a system in Europe to find and access data and services for research and innovation. This is to help researchers store, share, process, analyse and reuse FAIR research outputs within and across disciplines and borders.

The Association is comprised of a large cohort of projects under the EOSC umbrella. In this new social media series we are introducing all our fellow EOSC projects, their missions, values, and consortium.

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