Stakeholder Forum

The EOSC4Cancer Stakeholder Forum was set up to enable the project consortium to engage with a wider group of people and organisations working in or on related topics and projects. It acts both as a network for dissemination of project outcomes and as a way to bring additional thoughts, opinions and ideas into the work of EOSC4Cancer. 

The forum is composed of a wide range of external stakeholders and project partners. These stakeholders represent a variety of sectors, from researchers, industry partners, education institutions, related projects, alliances, and consortia, including patient representation and policy making groups.

We would like to invite additional members to join the forum! While we welcome anyone interested in Cancer and Cancer Data, we especially encourage individuals with experience/specialized in:

  • Clinical Cancer 
  • Healthcare Data Sharing
  • Translation of Research into Patient Benefit
  • AI for Clinical Use 
  • Industry


to join and enrich the conversation in the next Cancer Landscape Partner (CLP) Meetings.

Why Register to the stakeholder forum?

  • Contribute to the EOSC4Cancer initiative.
  • Engage in our bimonthly meetings.
  • Shape our educational activities.

If you have any questions about the forum, please do not hesitate to contact

Cancer Landscape Partner Meeting

CLP Meetings take place every two months, and are open to all members of the stakeholder forum. Each meeting has a different focus around the cancer landscape, with speakers from different projects and initatives being invited to present their knowledge and provide their expertise. We encourage open discussion on the topics presented.

The next CLP meeting will be held on the 25th October 2024 and will focus on the use of AI in healthcare, including diagnostics in cancer.  

To join the forum, and be included in the invite for future CLP meetings, please register below.