EOSC4Cancer Cancer Landscape Partners (CLP) Meeting - June 28th, 2024

On Friday, 28th of June, another successful Cancer Landscape Partners (CLP) Meeting was held, with a large cohort of the project’s WP6 team in presence. The day’s agenda was composed of two talks by Cancer Patients Europe and EATRIS-ERIC, followed by a collective discussion and question session.

The first talk of the day was held by Juan Ventura of Cancer Patients Europe, an advocate for cancer patients and survivors. He discussed the importance of patient engagement in research, how projects can strive to have patients at the core of their research, and supporting patients and their engagement within EU projects. Eliis Keidong of EATRIS-ERIC followed with a presentation on Patient Engagement Resource Centre (PERC) – a user-friendly platform to support researchers with their patient engagement needs throughout the research process. PERC was created through H2020 flagship EATRIS-Plus with the involvement of all stakeholders including patients, patient advocates, researchers and funders. 

The presentations were followed by a short discussion session on the involvement of patients across all European projects. This was another meeting rich in information and useful discussions, we thank everyone who took part and look forward to more engaging meetings!

 Find out more about PERC and get in touch at www.patient-engagment.eu